Verinite is proud to announce that we have been re-certified to PCI DSS standard v 3.2 Compliance level 1. The PCI-DSS certification annual audit was conducted by MKPSG, a leading Qualified Security Assessor (QSA). They examined our complete infrastructure, processes, policies for the Pune centre and confirmed that it was meeting with PCI-DSS compliance requirements. This means that our systems have yet again passed most rigorous information security requirements.
“It is a proud moment for Verinite to be recertified as a Service Provider (Level 1) under PCI DSS version 3.2. We are committed towards providing a highly secured environment for our customer’s data and the recertification helps to justify our commitment!” said our Head of Engineering, Sankhadeep Chakraborty.
“Complying to PCI DSS is quintessential for banks and for its vendors. PCI DSS re-certification gives re-assurance to all the clients that Verinite is more secure and trustworthy organization.” said Prasanna Chitale, Head of Innovation at Verinite.