Today, credit cards have become a fundamental pillar of personal finance, especially in growing economies l...
By Yogesh Bhagat
India is witnessing a massive surge in credit card usage. In March of 2024, the number of cards issued acro...
By Debasis Mohanty
Providing loans or credit is a fundamental business model of any financial institution with a banking licen...
By Yogesh Bhagat
The digital age has ushered in a pervasive danger to the financial world known as FraudGPT: with the rapid ...
By Sankhadeep Chakraborty
The significance of credit scores in India’s financial arena has witnessed a sharp incline, significa...
By Ashish Katkar
Today, credit cards have become a fundamental pillar of personal finance, especially in growing economies l...
By Yogesh Bhagat
India is witnessing a massive surge in credit card usage. In March of 2024, the number of cards issued acro...
By Debasis Mohanty
Providing loans or credit is a fundamental business model of any financial institution with a banking licen...
By Yogesh Bhagat
The digital age has ushered in a pervasive danger to the financial world known as FraudGPT: with the rapid ...
By Sankhadeep Chakraborty
The significance of credit scores in India’s financial arena has witnessed a sharp incline, significa...
By Ashish Katkar
Today, credit cards have become a fundamental pillar of personal finance, especially in growing economies l...
By Yogesh Bhagat
Best Practices to Prevent Card Chargebacks...
Using Machine Learning to Predict and Reduce ...
Should the Payment Industry Be Worried About ...
Credit Bureaus and Credit Scores in India: Al...
The Rise of Robo Advisors in Credit Card Mana...
India is witnessing a massive surge in credit card usage. In March of 2024, the number of cards issued across the country crossed the milestone of 100 million for all banks and fintech companies combined. With the rising usage pattern, there is also an emerging trend of risks that card issuers, customers, as well as […]
Providing loans or credit is a fundamental business model of any financial institution with a banking license. The interest earned forms the major revenue component of their operations. However, things are not that easy when it comes to qualifying applicants for providing loans. Traditional underwriting approaches have truly lived their age and are almost incapable […]
The digital age has ushered in a pervasive danger to the financial world known as FraudGPT: with the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, cybercriminals have gained access to increasingly sophisticated tools. According to the 2024 AFP® Survey Report on Payments Fraud and Control, a staggering 80% of companies were targeted by fraudulent attacks or attempts […]
The significance of credit scores in India’s financial arena has witnessed a sharp incline, significantly affecting crucial aspects such as loan authorizations and interest rates. Despite its paramountcy, however, the majority of Indians are unacquainted with the mechanisms underlying credit bureaus and the variables that intrude on their credit scores. This blog aims to dispel […]
Today, credit cards have become a fundamental pillar of personal finance, especially in growing economies like India. In 2023 alone, 16.71 million new credit cards were issued in India and the total number of users almost hit the 100 million figure! However, as usage exploded, there were also concerns and challenges being raised. Indiscriminate spending, […]
In the contemporary realm, obtaining customer loyalty has become a formidable challenge. However, what if you could seamlessly integrate monetary instruments into your customer interactions, fostering profound involvement and alluring new users? Introducing embedded finance – a disruptive concept upending traditional methods of businesses’ engagement with their clients. Embedded finance is about adding financial services […]