
Right competence, in the right place at right time

We share our industry, functional and technical expertise so you become masters

Training Service

Since the IT revolution, digital technology has been at the core of retail banking. Financial institutions use technology to facilitate functions like accounts management, withdrawal, lending, investing, onboarding, etc. Thanks to technology-backed high-end applications, brick-and-mortar branches of banks have turned into relationship centers as almost all operations can be done remotely.

To make optimal use of the technologies integrated with the banking ecosystem, business users and other stakeholders need to be imparted extensive training, which informs them about the components as a whole and in parts. Only when they have sound knowledge of these applications will they be able to ensure efficient and effective usage of the capabilities offered by the applications. Everyone who has a stake in the banking operations has to know inside out the application features, functionalities, operational usage, parameters, etc.

Verinite helps to equip banking stakeholders with necessary knowledge of cards and lending applications through its training offering that is designed and delivered by practitioners and application subject matter experts. We have put in place a systematic and organized procedure for stakeholders to learn technical knowledge and skills. The purpose is help stakeholders learn new technologies or procedures at various levels and to prepare them to take on higher responsibilities later.

Typical challenges

Training for newly integrated banking software components should be consistently evolving. Here are the typical challenges we face:

Inadequate training

Training provided by product vendor is not enough. Moreover, it happens too early in the application implementation cycle.

No training on updated features

Application upgrades happen regularly but updated training is not scheduled. It means stakeholders lack insight on new features.

No 360-degree training

Most training programs provide superficial training of the applications. Ideally, the training should cover full application capabilities.


Let us explain what makes our training courses stand out. Here are our USPs.

Training topics designed and delivered by SMEs

SMEs have been the part of the training program right from inception. Knowing the domain and the software as well as the back of their hands, they are able to design 360-degree programs, which dig deep and introduce the trainees to the nuances. SMEs have the experience to comprehend the knowledge goals of the audiences precisely and keep their training as well as timeline on track.

Inhouse developed content along with hands-on exercises

Importance of content developed inhouse cannot be overemphasized. Success of a training program solely depends on its quality which can only be ascertained when the training content and schedule is designed in-house under the watchful eye of the experts. Every unit is followed by hands-on exercises, adding value to the content. We use long experience and industry exposure of our trainers in creating a training program that stands out.

Cards industry and application specialization

Specialization in cards and lending systems gives us a clear competitive advantage. Our expertise covers most of the standard card management systems like TSYS Prime, V+, PowerCARD etc. enabling us to hand-hold you through every single detail. It also enables us to handle complexities of training at every level and help stakeholders navigate every issue that might arise during the sessions.

Our service offering:

Currently, we are offering two training modules:

Training for business & operational users

Designed exclusively for business and operational users, this training covers TSYS Prime, PowerCARD, V+ and SmartVista. Broadly, the training covers Overview, Product & parameter details, Backoffice operations, and System maintenance. This is an in-depth training program, which covers various components of the solutions in detail. Some areas the program covers include

  • Interactive between modules
  • Card parameter
  • Application processing
  • EOD batch running

Application Security & OWASP training

Focused on security, the training program has been designed to provide a complete overview of the subjects as well as take the trainees deeper. Every component of the program has hands-on lab sessions, helping the trainees pick the content thoroughly. Broadly, the program touches up Web application security, Unique risk assessment and threat profiling modelling technique, Compliance requirements, OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) top ten, Security coding guidelines, Best practices for security, Web application security for specific frameworks, etc. Going deeper, some areas of the program include

  • Integrating security into the application development lifecycle
  • Specific compliance requirements
  • Vulnerabilities, testing techniques, and mitigation techniques
  • Prevention against common web application vulnerabilities and penetration techniques

Want to get in touch with us?

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