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Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) Part-II!!June 14, 2021 - posted by Nitin Sharma

In the last weeks article, we have shared the overview of Visa Claims Resolution process. The way terminology has changed and resulting in lesser number of groupings. We also coved the flow of chargebacks, how it works. In this article we are going to cover about the Allocation and Collaboration workflows, about the impact of […]

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Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) Part-I !!June 14, 2021 - posted by Nitin Sharma

Visa announced the Visa Claims Resolution (VCR) initiative to improve the dispute process. VCR is Visa’s new system to help reduce timelines and simplify dispute resolution for issuers and acquirers. This is a mandatory change for all issuers and acquirers. On April 15, 2018, Visa’s new rules on chargebacks, called Visa Claims Resolution or VCR […]

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7 Characteristics of RPA Tool!!!June 14, 2021 - posted by Sankhadeep Chakraborty

Since the beginning of this decade there have been some speculations as to whether the robotic automation workforce will take over the manual tasks? Will it result in unemployment? Or does it mean making good use of robotic automation tools to benefit us all. Various attempts are being made & we clearly see a trend […]

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Thoughts Reflecting the Verinite Journey of 7 Years!!June 14, 2021 - posted by Ashish Katkar

Today is a special day. Verinite will be celebrating its 7th anniversary (1st June is our Foundation Day). I knew that it was going to be one roller-coaster ride but didn’t expect it to be so satisfying and fulfilling. This entire journey of 7 years can be easily divided into two phases. The first phase […]

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The New Face of Digital Transformation : Open Banking!!June 14, 2021 - posted by Nitin Sharma

Introduction to Open Banking: Open Banking is a financial services terminology and can be defined as below: The use of Open APIs that enable third party developers to build applications and services around the financial institution Greater financial transparency options for account holders ranging from Open Data to private data The utilization of open source […]

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Are Card Payments becoming Simpler or Complex?June 14, 2021 - posted by Prasanna Chitale

We are almost half-way through the year 2018 and today, card payments are the norm. Most of us prefer carrying a credit card and making all payments with it instead of carrying a lot of cash. However, the debate here is whether card payments have actually become simpler or are we using a complicated mode […]

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Is Tokenization the Future of Payment Security???June 14, 2021 - posted by Nitin Sharma

Tokenization – An extra layer of Security for Cards Payment!! The PCI Council defines tokenization as “a process by which the primary account number (PAN) is replaced with a surrogate value called a token. De-tokenization is the reverse process of redeeming a token for its associated PAN value. The replacement of card numbers with unique […]

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Essential Tips for Successful Project Management(Part-II)!!June 14, 2021 - posted by Debojyoti Roychowdhury

So here continues few more tips that will help in managing projects: 6) Follow the process and keep an eye on improvement: Follow the sequential set of activities that will help you bring out the specific output of the project. Skipping steps in order to meet short project timelines may backfire and end up taking more […]

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Essential Tips for Successful Project Management (Part -1)!!!June 14, 2021 - posted by Debojyoti Roychowdhury

In  present world, filled with certified and degree-wielding project managers it is expected that they know the rules of successful project management. It is expected they know prevalent methodologies like Waterfall, Agile, RUP and all the project management tools like Gantt charts, MPPs, Vision, Project requirements, specifications, and almost everything! All those wonderful bits and […]

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How Millennials brought a Paradigm Shift to HR Department???June 14, 2021 - posted by Sankhadeep Chakraborty

Generation X and Millennials, the two generations together now make up most of the workforce, but despite being back-to-back generations, they are separated by some key differences. The Human Resource Management recommends having a firm understanding of what is important and valued by each of these generations in the recruitment process. Doing so could be invaluable […]

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