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Why Banks Must Consider Independent Reviews of their Licensing and Processing ContractsJune 15, 2021 - posted by Ashish Katkar

The wave of digital technologies has completely changed the banking and financial services sector. Be it mobile banking or digital payments, or back-end processes and systems, technology advancements are helping banks address the dynamic market conditions, rapidly evolving customer demands, and battle increasing competition by enabling competitive differentiation. Making these technology investments for banks also […]

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Banking Reimagined: Digital 2021 Post The COVID-19 PandemicJune 15, 2021 - posted by Debasis Mohanty

The healthcare emergency worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic has created disruptive effects across almost every business sector globally. From finding new modes of working remotely to creating new revenue streams and digital business channels, there has been a massive shakeup of the way normal was defined in the business world. The banking sector did […]

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RPA Process Discovery – The Most Important Step to Realizing Automations ImpactJune 15, 2021 - posted by Sankhadeep Chakraborty

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has caught the attention of many industries, including banking and other financial institutions. The benefits of RPA are relatively well-known. With RPA, banks can automate manual processes so they can get the tasks completed quickly with more accuracy and free the human workforce to take up the tasks that require human […]

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Why Banks Must Engage Experts to Choose Their CMS/Switch Systems?June 15, 2021 - posted by Ashish Katkar

The cards market is going through an unprecedented period of change. It is driven by new technologies, new services, and changing customer expectations. These changes are being felt throughout the cards’ value chain, and it is having a profound impact on the infrastructure underpinning the cards space. This includes issuing, processing and acquiring. Unlike mobile […]

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Why Small Is Beautiful and Right?June 15, 2021 - posted by Sankhadeep Chakraborty

Almost a decade back, Mark Andreessen famously wrote: “software is eating the world”.  While we assumed that by now, perhaps software would be done eating the world but it continues in on this journey. Almost every company today is a software company. No matter what the business, organizations have to reimagine themselves as software companies […]

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What Makes the Buy Now, Pay Later Trend So Popular ?June 15, 2021 - posted by Prasanna Chitale

The Growing Popularity of the Buy Now, Pay Later Trend As more and more Indian consumers choose digital channels as their preferred choice for making small and big purchases, the unswerving rise in digital commerce has organizations scouting for new and novel ways to improve customer experience. Although the last few years have witnessed tremendous […]

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Tech Trends Retail Banks Need to Keep an Eye on In the Post-COVID EraJune 15, 2021 - posted by Ashish Katkar

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world on its head. The magnitude of disruption of this scale has never been experienced previously – whether in business or personal lives. The state and federal mandates have impacted person-to-person business interactions and have driven longstanding business practices to adopt new working models. As the COVID dust is […]

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Numberless Cards – Is It the Future?June 15, 2021 - posted by Debasis Mohanty

The cashless payment economy is booming worldwide as people increasingly use their digital wallets and payment apps on smartphones to make purchases rather than swipe their bank cards or pay with currency notes. It is estimated that in 2020, more than 1 Billion people will make payments at a store with their smartphones globally every […]

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Delivering High Value Through Sharp Focus on Cards and PaymentsJune 15, 2021 - posted by Ashish Katkar

When I founded Verinite 9 years ago, one of the toughest questions that I had to answer during the growth phase was whether to develop deeper expertise in a niche area or offer wider solutions in different areas. Certainly, the decision was not easy. But in the course of my professional career, having helmed several […]

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COVID Has Accelerated Digitization In Banking – 3 Areas Where You Can Leverage The Power Of Digital TechnologiesJune 15, 2021 - posted by Debasis Mohanty

In the last few years, banks are actively adopting digitization to improve customer experience. From easy fund transfers to checking balance, investing in new instruments, or paying bills, digitization has made the lives of customers easy. They do not have to wait in long queues and can complete their banking tasks with just a few […]

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