Introducing A Revolutionary Method To Master Real Time Changes To Avoid Attacks!!

By Darshan Joshi . June 14, 2021 . Blogs

Network is base of digital banking domain. The base should always be strong and updated. In Recent days Ransomeware attack was a very big problem. Due to confidential data, banking sector was under pressure of its major affect. Being a part of networking & security, it is our responsibility to face the challenges and search for the door to overcome from the massive situations. The small loophole in the network can create a big disaster.

While working under the guidelines of PCI DSS “The network diagram is supposed to be simple to flow, but difficult to attack, even the small changes can play a very important role in the network. The date & time on the system is always neglected but it stores the history of incidence so it should be accurate according to the time Zone (Can use NTP server). PCI DSS guidelines not only helped to make the Network strong but it also indicates how to overcome the Incidence.

Real time changes to avoid attack!!!

  • Always keep an eye on every action of the user, small change in the behavior of user is the first indication of attack. To track all these changes Log server should be used in network and logs should be monitor on daily basis.
  • Segmentation also plays an important role as it stops the communication between the other departments of the organization. You should create a multiple VLAN in core switch and put each department in separate VLAN. This helps in stopping the communication of inter departments and the logical segmentation can be created among the organization.
  • It is challenging to segment the moving users (Laptop) so in this case MAC binding for each users should be done.
  • Implement the proper Antivirus which can be controlled by centralized server. Because only Virus Scanning of laptops on daily basis is not sufficient. Virus infection through unwanted Website should be controlled/stop. It should also have ability to stop the data leaking by physical source.
  • User data needs to be very confidential as by usage of some software, data can be tracked easily. So to avoid this situation VPN should be used in public network so that all the data will flow through your home network in secure way and cannot be tracked easily. 2 factor authentication process is a Major Key of safety which can meet by unique SSL certificate, Passwords, User Id.

Why attack affect us?

The virus like ransomware has mass effect on the system of organization because the construction of the network or the implementation of security software is in same Prototype. Also, Limitation in innovative Idea like local network is built on fixed IP range or some common range of IPs.

Virus/Attacks should be taken on positive note as this give you the idea to develop the security policy and unique network strategy. Appreciate the talent of your colleague as hacker, which will help you in gap analysis and know mind set of Hacker and the target points. Small changes make big difference.

Darshan Joshi

Darshan works as a Network Engineer. He is responsible for setting up complete IT infrastructure for organization.He likes reading Books & Photography.

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